Plays Anatomy: Episode 2

- 4 mins

The post I link when someone tells me that Java sucks

Plays Anatomy: Episode 2

Previously on Plays Anatomy….

Take a look at part one in case you miss it.

You find ALL the code on my Github repo sammyrulez/minimal-play2 minimal-play2 - minimal rest service

Next on my checklist of desirable features were async response and easy integration with an existing AKKA based solution. Play comes with bounded AKKA support. This is a strongly opinionated choice, but in my case, works just fine with the type of systems I would like to integrate.A Play application defines an actor system at start time, add it to the IoC container and it can be used by other modules. This actor system follows the application life-cycle (Automagically). Then you can just ask the system for an actor ad use it as a gateway to other components of the Akka system ( even a distributed one). Having Akka support out of the box without hustle and bustle has benne a huge plus since this is something I spent a lot of time with little satisfaction. You can return Future from an actor response mapping it in a HttpResponse with an “Action.async”

def index = Action.async { val futureInt = scala.concurrent.Future { intensiveComputation() } => Ok(“Got result: “ + i)) }

Akka HTTP is one of the options for the embedded HTTP server in Play project ( the other is Netty). So you see the two frameworks are very bonded together, which is not a good thing by itself, but if you already have chosen Akka as asynchronous actor support, then this bound becomes a positive aspect. I found a very good example at that explains how to integrate Akka Streams in play ( if this is your thing).

Testing… testing helps me sleeping better. I don’t mean testing is boring! It make me feel safe: make me feel quite sure that what I’m going to deploy is, at least, technically correct.

Play framework offers a variety of testing facilities, provisioning tools for bot unit and integration testing. Everything is really straight forward and you can find everything in the documentation.

On top of standard Play’s tool, I added scoverage and coveralls to track and publish testing coverage of my project. They have both sbt plugins to integrate smoothly in the build process and you can make Travis build fail if the coverage drop below a certain level or is worst than the previous build. This is particularly useful when you have to decide to accept a merge request or not. If the new feature or fix is not supported by additional test, you can make the build fail automatically.

For **monitoring **I tried **“markscheider” **which is a tool by Zalando.

The name stems from the german mining term Markscheider, which was a land surveyor who was responsible for mapping of the mine.

For monitoring, I tried “markscheider” which is a tool by Zalando. The name stems from the german mining term Markscheider, which was a land surveyor who was responsible for mapping of the mine.

It is a Play module that integrates dropwizard Metrics ( the only good part in dropwizard… IMHO ) The metrics are created in a way that is compatible with ZMON.

Probably the best tool for monitoring is Kamon but it requires backend integration with publishing services ( like new relic, datadog or you own hosted solution ) and it went a bit beyond the scope of my experiment.

And then deploy all the things! I find Heroku a convenient platform for this kind of experiments. There is a specific guide on Heroku documentation site to deploy Play applications but this is a fast crash course.

Heroku supports Play applicationsHeroku supports Play applications

Play has a special stage sbt task to build a uber jar, an executable archive with all the classes required to run your application. You just have to add in the root of your git repo a Proc file that defines how to startup your process sammyrulez/minimal-play2 minimal-play2 - minimal rest service

web: target/universal/stage/bin/minimal-play2 -Dhttp.port=${PORT} -Dplay.crypto.secret=${APPLICATION_SECRET}

the ${xxx} are variables:

So now we are up and running!

Open the “home page”, thake note of the user token and try the api with Swagger . Have fun!

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